Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Help With Infidelity

Help With Infidelity

Having an can be devastating, do you suspect your spouse is cheating on you, or has the terrible cheating spouse happened? If you believe you have a you need to look for the sign of a cheating spouse. can be a major life changing event. If you have a , they will always show you a .

You need to , do not just confront them, be sure, before you start this extremely hard and difficult time. There are lots of ways to .
Help With Infidelity

Below is a great infidelity article, Coping with Infidelity by Bob Keen

Infidelity is a painful ordeal that affects over half of married couples in the US. Many women have compared extra marital affairs with the pain of being abused, raped, or even kidnapped - and they have said that the affair is worse.

There are ways to cope with the pain of infidelity, and you can move on with your life - you can recover. The following are tips, words of advice from men and woman who have dealt with their husbands and wives having affairs with neighbors, friends, co-workers, or someone else entirely. The following have helped them move past the incident in their lives, and hopefully this will help you, too.

* Take Time For Yourself - Take time for yourself - pamper you! Go shopping, golfing, to a spa or get a facial. Take a little bit of time for yourself. Many people who have had a spouse cheat on them feel unworthy, abused, and unloved. Make yourself feel good - go buy something that looks great on you, go dancing or out with friends, just do something that make you feel good about you as a person.

* Talk to Your Partner - It may hurt, but you need to talk with your spouse and create an understanding between you two. Put aside your anger, your jealousy, and your fear - discuss what went wrong with the relationship, and what you're willing to do to make it right. There will no doubt be a great many painful conversations involved with this, but you need to try - if you two decide not to work it out, it is still good to receive a level of closure with this. If you do wish to attempt to work it out, counseling and long discussions would be a great deal of help - a balm to your wounds, so you might say.

* Take Up Relaxation - Take up something like meditation, or take a yoga class - learning to relax, to empty your head and your heart, would help you feel less anxiety, stress, and anger towards the situation, and it would help you move on towards something better, be it with someone else, with your partner, or with yourself. You can learn to love again, love yourself, and others, and you can trust again.

* Get Out of The House - Get out! Go out with friends, go shopping, dancing, even traveling. Don't coop yourself up and feel depressed, because that's not going to help you, or anyone around you. Being active, especially with others, is healthy and fun. Even going to the gym will make you feel good - exercise creates endorphins, and endorphins make you happier. So go on and get out of the house and have a good time.

* Don't Dwell - Thinking about the affair your spouse had again and again will tear you up, from the inside out. Don't dwell on what happened - instead, only think about it when it is time, like in counseling, or when you and your spouse are discussing it. Dwelling on it will only hurt you.

You can recover from this, and you can feel good about yourself again, learning to trust and love yourself, your spouse, or even someone new, if that is the route you wish to take. Just remember that it will take time to recover from the pain, and you may never completely get over the situation.

about the author
Hosted at Relationship Guidance., Bobby K is an online author and publisher on a wide range of marriage and relationship topics. For thoughtprovoking, helpful advice, reviews and recommendations, plus your oppurtunity to subscribe to my free newsletter, please visit my blog at Relationship Guidance.

Help With Infidelity

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Top 10 Signs of Infidelty and Why Knowing Them Won't Help You Catch a Cheating Mate

A brilliant infidelity article by infidelity expert, Ruth Houston

As an infidelity expert, one of the most frequent questions people ask me is "What are the top 10 signs of infidelity?" For curious minds, I've listed them below.

* working late
* increased concern about wardrobe or personal appearance
* unaccounted for absences
* suspicious phone calls - hang ups, wrong numbers, etc.
* lots of lies or excuses
* stops wearing wedding ring
* starts complaining, arguing or picking fights over trivial things
* decrease in sex life
* lipstick on his collar
* strange numbers on phone bill or on slips of paper
* unusual or unexplained charges on credit card bills

These are the top 10 signs of infidelity. But knowing them won't help you catch a cheating mate. Seeing these signs is no guarantee that your partner is cheating. Not seeing them is no guarantee that you have a faithful mate.

Look for the subtle signs
The obvious signs of infidelity - the top 10 signs -- are the signs the cheater will usually cover up. So instead, be alert for the subtle signs. These are the signs the cheater doesn't even realize he's displaying, so there's no way he can cover them up. Learn how to spot the subtle signs and you'll catch the cheater every time.

Signs of infidelity seldom appear in isolation. Where there's one sign, there are plenty of corroborating signs. Most of them are staring you right in the face, just waiting to be found. It doesn't require a lot of time, effort, or skill. Knowing what to look for is the key.

The Categories of Infidelity Signs
Drawing on my 12 years of research which includes thousands of interviews, I've identified 21 major categories of infidelity signs. They are listed in my book, Is He Cheating on You? - 829 Telltale Signs. Categories include physical appearance, conversational clues, work habits, telephone tip-offs, day-to-day behavior, personality changes, car clues, how he relates to you -- just to name a few. Each category contains 19 to 92 specific telltale signs. For a detailed description of each category and the number of signs it contains, e-mail with "categories of infidelity signs" in the subject line.

How You Can Really Tell
You can't make an accurate assessment of whether or not your partner is cheating on the basis of 10 or 12 signs of infidelity. You run the risk of making a false accusation .If your partner is REALLY cheating, there will be more than just a sprinkling of telltale signs. You'll find clusters of signs from several of the 21 categories all at once. The majority of them will be subtle signs. That's why I stress that knowing what to look for is the key. Once you know what to look for, all you need are your own eyes and ears and your personal knowledge of your mate. The more signs you find, the greater the likelihood that your partner is cheating, or planning to do so very soon.

Information on Signs of Infidelity
Is He Cheating on You - 829 Telltale Signs lists practically every known sign of infidelity, including the subtle signs people usually overlook. Many consider this 192-page book to be the most comprehensive infidelity reference of its kind. Despite the title, most of the signs of infidelity in Is He Cheating on You? apply to cheating women as well as cheating men. However, by popular request, the e-book version (available from includes a special 10 page section for men entitled Is SHE Cheating?

Save Your Relationship-Know the Signs
Don't depend on the presence or absence of the top 10 signs of infidelity to tell you whether or not your partner is cheating or on the verge of having an extramarital affair. Familiarize yourself with the early warning signs. Learn to spot not just the top 10 signs of infidelity, but the many subtle signs of a cheating mate. The future of your marriage or relationship may one day depend on your ability to recognize the telltale signs of infidelity in time.

© Copyright 2006 Ruth Houston
About Ruth Houston:
Infidelity expert Ruth Houston is the founder of and author of Is He Cheating on You? - 829 Telltale Signs, which documents practically every known sign of infidelity. Ruth has been quoted in the New York Times, Cosmopolitan, MSN Lifestyle, iVillage and numerous other print and online media, and has been a guest on The Today Show, Good Day New York, 1010WINS, BBC, CBC, and over 250 other radio and TV talk shows worldwide. For a free tip sheet on 10 Things You Didn't Know About Signs Of Infidelity, send an e-mail to with "10 things" in the subject line.