If it is your desire to deal with this infidelity you need to have a clear head and be prepared to explore areas and talk about things that you have probably never even considered before. The only way you will come out the other side of this crisis is to remain rational. Whilst you may be feeling like screaming, shouting and pointing the finger I can assure you that in the longer term you will not benefit from irrational behavior. Of course it is only natural and human to have some sort of reaction and blowout, but if you want to fix things, and learn how to deal with infidelity you need to take a step back.
You need to be aware that it is unlikely you will find a solution overnight, there will be ups and downs along the way and from time to time you and your partner will get angry and upset. This is a natural part of healing and no one party has a right to all the anger.
The first step in learning how to deal with infidelity is to examine the reason, the true reason why it happened in the first place. These discussions will likely be very revealing and in some cases very hurtful as the real reasons are uncovered. But please understand, that to resolve any area of conflict you need to get to the real reasons, otherwise it could end up similar to brushing the dirt under the mat.
The partner who has been betrayed needs to clearly lay out exactly what the affair has meant to them. They betrayer needs to understand what impact his/her actions have had on the betrayed party. It is important that the betrayer clearly understands how what he/she has done has affected the thoughts and actions of the other party, and how that partner now thinks about themselves as it is now very likely they are suffering from seriously low self esteem.
A timetable for recovery needs to be set because if learning how to deal with infidelity becomes an ongoing event with no end in sight it will become very draining on the relationship. It is important however that the betrayed party recovers at their own pace and is not rushed into forgiving and forgetting. All too often the betrayer will want to forget about what happened as quickly as possible. This will be of no benefit in the long term.
The one thing to remember when learning how to deal with infidelity is that it will take time and effort from both parties. Your relationship is quite possibly one of the most important aspects of your life and therefore very very worth saving. It can be saved but in the majority of cases you will need some help and guidance along the way.
A plan on How to Deal With Infidelity is contained in this book. Be prepared to learn some unconventional methods and surefire ways to solve the problems in your relationship. Your relationship is worth saving. How To Deal With Infidelity
The reality is that you owe it to yourself, your partner and maybe even your children to try everything possible to save your relationship. After all a relationship is probably one of the most important things you have in life.
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Thank You for reading.
Gary P Owen
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gary_P_Owe
help with infidelity